Library Books

Instructions of Uses Of Equipment

Zoology Lab Instructions 

  1. General Guidelines

– Be punctual and attend all lab sessions. Review lab materials in advance to understand objectives and procedures. 

– Wear proper lab attire, including a lab coat and gloves. Tie back long hair and avoid loose clothing. 

  1. Safety Measures

– Follow all instructions carefully. Handle chemicals, specimens, and equipment safely. 

– Know the location of safety equipment like the first aid kit, fire extinguisher, and emergency exit. 

  1. Microscope Usage

– Use microscopes with care. Begin with low power to locate the specimen before switching to higher magnifications. 

– Clean lenses with lens paper and turn off the microscope after use. 

  1. Dissection Guidelines

– Handle tools like scalpels and scissors with caution. Follow ethical practices and preserve anatomical structures. 

– Dispose of biological waste properly and clean all tools after use. 

  1. Data Recording

– Record observations accurately in your lab notebook. Include labeled diagrams and detailed notes. 

  1. Clean-Up

– Clean your workspace and return tools to their designated spots. Dispose of waste as per lab rules. 

By adhering to these instructions, you’ll ensure a safe and productive learning environment in the zoology lab.


  1. Always reach the laboratory in time. Be punctual
  2. Always carry following for working in lab: a.) An auxiliary note book b.) Laboratory Coat.
  3. Maintain silence in laboratory and listen to instructions carefully.
  4. Instruments, chemicals, glass wares and other equipments used in laboratory should be placed back at proper and specified places.
  5. Never perform any experiment without proper supervision.
  6. Never heat a liquid in a test tube that points towards you or your classmate.
  7. In case of any injury or accident, keep calm and immediately ask for help.
  8. In case of contact with a harmful liquid, always wash the affected area with water and ask for first aid.
  9. Rinse test tube and other equipment with water after the experiments.
  10. For best results, use as small amount of chemicals as possible or according to instructions.
  11. Do not use too much of HCl while doing the experiments. Libration of large volume of hydrogen can cause minor explosion.
  12. Do not touch chemicals or lab equipments unless you are asked to do so.
  13. No student is allowed to work in the science lab in the absence of their teacher.
  14. Student must follow all the written and verbal instruction when conducting the experiments. In case they do not understand anything they must clarify it first.
  15. It is very important to be alert and be cautious when in the science laboratory.
  16. Eating, drinking, playing pranks, using mobile phones is strictly prohibited in science lab.
  17. Before using any chemicals, read the labels carefully. When mixing chemicals or conducting the experiments, keep the test tube containing the chemical away from your face, mouth and body.
  18. Unused chemicals should never be put back in the original bottle. They must be disposed out as per the guidelines given by the lab assistant or science teacher.
  19. Loose clothes and open hair are not allowed while working in science laboratory.
  20. Examine glassware before using do not use chipped or cracked test tubes or beakers.
  21. Hot apparatus takes time to cool down. Allow rime to cool and use tongs to pick them up.
  22. Never sit on laboratory tables.
  23. Work areas should be kept clean and neat all times. Work surfaces are to be cleared at the end of each laboratory activity.
  24. Solid chemicals, metals, matches, filter papers, broken glass and other materials designated by the instructors are to be deposited in the proper waste containers and not in sink. Follow your teacher / instructor’s directors for disposal of waste.


 Attendance: Regular attendance is expected of all students. If a student is unable to attend a lesson, they must notify the instructor at least 24 hours in advance. Non-attendance for two consecutive weeks without prior notice will be taken as disinterest in continuing the lessons.

Reporting Time: All Students are required to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the commencement of their lesson or class. All Students will be required to sign an attendance sheet at the commencement of the lesson or class.

Practice: Students are expected to practice regularly and to come to their lessons prepared. Parents or guardians of younger students are asked to help ensure that their child is practicing at home.
Behaviour: Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful of their instructors and fellow students. Discipline should be observed at all times. Mobile phones must be kept in silent mode during class.
Any behaviour that is disruptive or disrespectful will not be tolerated.

Payment/Fee: All fees are payable
Masterclass: Events, functions, workshops, clinics and masterclasses are an extension part of the course curriculum.


  1. Food and drink are not permitted during class in the lab at any time.
  2. Do not come in the lab early unless the instructor is present.
  3. Do not wear loose hair or clothing around moving equipment.
  4. Wear safety glasses during a lab experiment.
  5. Do not set equipment too close to the edge of the table.
  6. Do not activate any circuit or apparatus until the instructor inspects it.
  7. Never touch a possibly live circuit and Do not touch electrical equipment with wet hands.
  8. Only use laboratory equipment for the instructional purpose for which they were intended.
  9. Never look directly in the beam of a laser and light from a lamp used for the experiment.
  10. All trash and waste materials should be disposed of in the proper container. Do not pour chemicals into the laboratory sink.
  11. Do not short the electrical leads on any equipment.
  12. Any equipment except computer not in use should be turned off.
  13. Do not take apart any apparatus or piece of equipment.
  14. All damaged equipment and chemical spills should be immediately reported to the laboratory instructor.
  15. Accidents and emergencies must be immediately reported to the laboratory instructor. 
  16. Never remove any computer components (especially the mouse and keyboard).
  17. Do not shut down or turn on (or log in) the computer unless instructed to do so by the lab instructor.
  18. Leave your lab station neat, clean and organized at the end of each lab period.
  19. Be aware that fire extinguishers are located in Rooms.



  1. Wear safety gear (gloves, goggles, labcoat) While working in the lab.
  2. Handle chemicals and instruments and biological materials, (plant, microorganisms) with care.
  3. Use microscopes, autoclave and spectrophotometer correctly.
  4. Clean microscope after use .
  5. Handle all the specimens / Herbarium with care.
  6. If you break something you buy it.
  7. Dispose of plant waste materials properly.
  8. Never taste, touch or smell chemicals unless you are directed to do so.
  9. Do not touch any equipment, supplies or other materials without permission from your teacher.
  10. Always wash your hands after handling lab materials.

पुस्कालय में पालन किये जाने वाले नियम/सामान्य निर्देशः-

1. छात्रायें पुस्तकालय में अपना परिचय-पत्र साथ लेकर आवें।
2. अपने बैग, बिगपर्स, पौलीबैग यथा स्थान पुस्तकालय से बाहर रखकर आवें।
3. मोबाइल का इस्तेमाल का पुस्तकालय में न करें।
4. छात्रा को फीस की मूल रसीद दिखाने पर पुस्तकालय से दो बाॅरोवर कार्ड प्राप्त होंगें
5. उक्त कार्डों पर दो पुस्तकें 14 दिवस हेतु मिल सकेंगी।
6. समय पर पुस्तक जमा न कराने पर 5/- रूपये प्रतिदिन जुर्माना लगेगा।
7. पुस्तक पर लिखना, पेज फाड़ना या खराब करना अच्छी आदत नहीं है। कृपया नहीं करें।
8. पुस्तक खराब करने पर या खोने पर पुस्तक की दो गुनी कीमत वसूल की जायेगी।
9. छात्रायें अपने ही पुस्तकालय कार्ड पर पुस्तके जारी करवाये अन्यथा कार्ड निरस्त कर जुर्माना किया जायेगा।
10. कार्ड खोने पर शीघा्रतिशीघ्र पुस्तकालय अध्यक्ष को सूचित करे अन्यथा किसी के पुस्तक जारी कराने पर स्वयं जिम्मेदार होंगें।
11. कार्ड खोने पर नया कार्ड बनवाने हेतु प्रार्थना पत्र के साथ 10/- रूपये शुल्क जमा कराना होगा।
12. आवश्यकता पड़ने पर कोई भी पुस्तक वापस मंगवाई जा सकती है।


General Behavior
  1. Maintain silence and discipline inside the lab.
  2. Handle all materials and equipment with care and responsibility.
  3. Follow the teacher’s instructions at all times.
  4. Ensure the lab remains clean and organized. No food or drinks are allowed.
  5. Respect your peers and avoid any disruptive behavior.

Use of Equipment and Materials

  1. Use only the assigned materials and tools (e.g., calculators, geometric sets, manipulatives).
  2. Do not write on lab tables, equipment, or walls. Use notebooks or worksheets for calculations.
  3. Always return tools and materials to their designated places after use.
Lab Activities and Projects
  1. Focus on the activity assigned and complete it within the given time.
  2. Work on projects collaboratively if in groups, and ensure equal participation.
  3. Record all observations and calculations neatly in your lab journal or worksheet.
Safety and Security
  1. Avoid running or playing inside the lab to prevent accidents.
  2. Immediately report any damaged equipment or issues to the teacher.
  3. Do not touch electrical outlets or devices unless permitted by the teacher.
Technology Usage (if applicable)
  1. Use computers or calculators only for assigned tasks.
  2. Do not install or remove software or tamper with the system settings.
  3. Save your work regularly and log off after use.
Evaluation and Accountability
  1. Submit completed lab work or reports as instructed.
  2. Attendance and participation are mandatory and may affect grades.

These rules can be customized depending on the specific facilities and tools available in your mathematics lab.


General Behavior
  1. Maintain discipline and follow the teacher’s instructions at all times.
  2. Always wear a clean lab apron and tie back long hair to maintain hygiene.
  3. Wash hands thoroughly before and after each lab activity.
  4. Handle all equipment, tools, and materials with care and respect.
  5. Avoid running, shouting, or engaging in unnecessary activities inside the lab.

Safety Measures
  1. Always be cautious while using sharp tools, hot appliances, and chemicals.
  2. Turn off electrical appliances (e.g., ovens, sewing machines, irons) after use.
  3. Use protective gear like gloves or masks, as instructed, especially while working with chemicals or during food preparation.
  4. Keep flammable materials away from open flames or heat sources.
  5. Immediately report any accidents, spills, or broken equipment to the teacher.

Hygiene Practices
  1. Ensure cleanliness of workstations before and after use.
  2. Dispose of waste materials in the designated bins.
  3. Avoid tasting or consuming food prepared during practicals without teacher approval.
  4. Keep all personal belongings, such as bags, away from the work area.

Use of Equipment and Tools
  1. Operate lab equipment (e.g., sewing machines, cooking appliances) only after proper instructions.
  2. Return all tools and materials to their proper storage after use.
  3. Do not tamper with or misuse lab equipment or materials.

Activity Guidelines
  1. Follow recipes, patterns, or instructions strictly during food preparation, stitching, or other practicals.
  2. Maintain proper records of experiments, recipes, or sewing projects in your lab notebook.
  3. Complete assigned tasks within the stipulated time and avoid unnecessary delays.

Evaluation and Accountability
  1. Participation in lab activities is mandatory and contributes to assessments.
  2. Submit completed practical work, reports, or projects on time.
  3. Respect shared resources and maintain a collaborative environment with peers.

These rules will promote a safe, organized, and productive learning environment in your Home Science Lab!